Calendar QUIZ


Calendar QUIZ

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 13

If it was Wednesday on 11th December 1899, what will be the day on 17th December 1901?

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If it was Sunday on 15 September 2019 then, what was the day of the week on 10 July 2018?

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If 17th August, 2003 is a Sunday, what day of the week was August 17, 1903?

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Today is Wednesday. What will be the day after 94 days?

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If 10 July 2011 was Sunday, then what was the day of the week on 10 July 2019?

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Which one of the following years will have the same calendar as of 2009?

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If on 31st March, 2008 is Monday, then what day shall be on 31st March, 2011?

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If on 31st March, 2008 is Monday, then what day shall be on 31st March, 2011?

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If Gandhi Jayanti was on Monday in 2019, what day will it be in 2020?

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Kunal’s birthday is on Monday 29th June. On what day of the week will be Nishith's Birthday in the same year if Nishith was born on 17th December?

11 / 13

On 8th February, 2020 it was Saturday. What was the day of the week on 1st February, 2016 ?

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It was Monday on 1st January 2018. What was the day of the week on 1st January 2010?

13 / 13

Find the day name of 24 March 2006?

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