1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
- Spiteful
- Awful
- Faithful
- Careful
The correct answer is “Careful.” Key Points
- “Diligent” means showing care and effort in one’s work or duties. (परिश्रमी, सावधान और कर्मठ)
- Example: She was a diligent student who always completed her assignments on time.
- “Careful” means thinking about what you are doing so that you do not have an accident or make mistakes, etc. (सावधान, ख़बरदार, सतर्क)
- Example: Norman is a careful driver.
- Therefore, the most appropriate synonym for the given word is “Careful.”
- The correct answer is option 4.
Additional Information
- Spiteful means showing or caused by malice. (द्वेषपूर्ण (किसी को अपमानित या दुखी करने के लिए निर्मम बरताव करते हुए))
- Awful means extremely bad or unpleasant. (बहुत बुरा, अत्यधिक अरुचिकर)
- Faithful means loyal and committed to a person or belief. ((व्यक्ति, संस्था, मत आदि के प्रति) सच्चा और निष्ठावान)
- Thrifty
- Moderate
- Stately
- Lavish
The correct answer is ‘Moderate‘.
Key Points
- The most appropriate antonym of the given word ‘Intense‘ is ‘Moderate‘.
- Intense: having a very strong effect or impact; extreme in degree or strength; deeply felt or experienced. In Hindi, it is called “तीव्र” or “गहरा”.
- Example: The intense pressure of the upcoming exam was causing her a lot of stress.
- Moderate: Average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree; not extreme or excessive. In Hindi: मध्यम.
- Example: The weather was moderate and pleasant, with a slight breeze.
- Example: The weather was moderate and pleasant, with a slight breeze.
Correct Answer: Moderate.
Additional Information
- Let’s look at the meaning of other words:
- Thrifty: Practicing thrift or economical management; using money or resources carefully and not wastefully. In Hindi: बचतील.
- Stately: Impressive and dignified in appearance, manner, or size. In Hindi: आलिशान.
- Lavish: Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious; giving or using a large amount of something. In Hindi: उदार.
- Unsophisticated
- Profane
- Assiduous
- Pompous
Here the correct answer is Assiduous.
Key Points
- The most appropriate synonym of the given word “laborious” is 3) “assiduous”.
- Laborious means requiring a lot of effort and time to do something.
- For example: Writing a book is a laborious task.
- Assiduous means showing great care, attention, and effort in doing something.
- For example: She was assiduous in her studies and always got good grades.
- Therefore, option 3 is the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
Additional Information
- Explanation of other options:
- Unsophisticated (Option 1) means lacking refinement, knowledge or culture. It is not a synonym of laborious.
- Profane (Option 2) means disrespectful or irreverent towards religious or sacred things. It is not a synonym of laborious.
- Pompous (Option 4) means having an exaggerated sense of self-importance or dignity. It is not a synonym of laborious.
4. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
- Comfort
- Ease
- Ruin
- Build
The correct answer is ‘Build‘.
Key Points
- The most appropriate antonym of the given word ‘Raze‘ is ‘Build‘.
- Raze: to completely destroy a building, town, etc. so that nothing is left. [(भवन, शहर आदि) पूर्णतः नष्ट कर देना; ध्वस्त करना]
- Example: The building was razed to the ground.
- Build: to make something by putting pieces, materials, etc. together. (बनाना, निर्माण करना)
- Example: They’ve built a new bridge across the river.
- Example: They’ve built a new bridge across the river.
Correct Answer: Build.
Additional Information
- Let’s look at the meaning of other words:
- Comfort: the state of having everything your body needs, or of having a pleasant life. (शारीरिक आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति की स्थिति; आराम, आनंद, सुख-सुविधा)
- Ease: a lack of difficulty. (आसानी, सरलता, सुगमता)
- Ruin: to damage something so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc. [किसी चीज़ को तबाह कर देना, बरबाद कर देना (कि वह बिलकुल बेकार हो जाए)]
5. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word in the given sentence.
After losing his job and his home, he found himself destitute and living on the streets.
- glorious
- disturbed
- affluent
- ridiculous
The correct answer is Option 3 i.e. “Affluent”.
Key Points
- Destitute: (निर्धन) – Lacking the basic necessities of life; extremely poor.
- Example: After losing his job, he became destitute and lived on the streets.
- Affluent: (धनी) – Having a great deal of money; wealthy.
- Example: She comes from an affluent family and has never worried about money.
Therefore, the correct answer is “Affluent”.
Additional Information
- Glorious: (शानदार) – Deserving great admiration, praise, and honor.
- Example: The athletes returned home to a glorious welcome.
- Disturbed: (परेशान) – Showing signs of mental illness or distress.
- Example: He had been acting disturbed and erratic lately.
- Ridiculous: (हास्यास्पद) – Deserving or inviting mockery or derision; absurd.
- Example: It’s ridiculous to expect perfection.
6. Choose the correct word substitute for the following sentence:
One who distrusts, dislikes, or hates other humans in general and avoids society.
- egotist
- misanthrope
- anthropologist
- misogynist
The correct answer is ‘Misanthrope‘.
Key Points
- “Misanthrope” refers to someone who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. (मानव द्वेषी)
- Example: In literature, the character of Scrooge before his transformation is often cited as an example of a misanthrope.
- Therefore, the correct word that substitutes the given definition of one who distrusts, dislikes, or hates other humans in general and avoids society is ‘misanthrope’.
Therefore, the correct answer is ‘Option 2’.
Additional Information
- Egotist (आत्ममुग्ध): A person who is excessively conceited or absorbed in themselves.
- Example: Despite his success, he was not an egotist and always credited his team for their hard work.
- Anthropologist (मानवशास्त्री): A person who studies human societies, cultures, and their development.
- Example: The anthropologist spent years living among the indigenous tribe to better understand their customs.
- Misogynist (स्त्री द्वेषी): A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
- Example: His misogynist remarks were met with immediate backlash on social media.
7. Select the alternative which best express the meaning of the idioms/phrase.
Cry out against
- To weep on being defeated
- To complain loudly against
- Child-like behaviour
- To be angry on others
The correct answer is “To complain loudly against”.
Key Points
- The phrase “Cry out against” in English typically means to protest strongly or complain loudly against something or someone. (“खुलकर शिकायत करना”.)
- For example, “The citizens began to cry out against the unfair taxes imposed by the government.”
- The idiomatic phrase “To complain loudly against” (“बुलंद आवाज में विरोध करना”.)
- Example : “The residents started to complain loudly against the illegal construction in their neighborhood.”
- Therefore, the correct answer is “Option 2”.
Additional Information
- ‘To weep on being defeated’ “हारने पर रोना”.
- ‘Child-like behaviour’ “बालपन जैसा व्यवहार”.
- ‘To be angry on others’ “दूसरों पर गुस्सा करना”.
8. Identify the part of speech the underlined word belongs to.
It is too hot to play outside.
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Adverb
- Adjective
The correct answer is Adverb
Key Points
- An adverb is a word which qualifies the verb, adjective or another adverb in the sentence.
- Example: The car was travelling too fast and went out of control.
- The underlined word ‘too’ is an adverb which qualifies the adjective in the sentence.
- As we have to identify which part of speech the word belongs to, we need to know the significance of parts of speech.
- Parts of speech:
- A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions.
- In English, the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.
Let’s understand the definitions of parts of speech given in options with examples:
Parts of speech | Function | Example |
Pronoun | To replace a noun to avoid repetition | Mohini is a kind girl. She loves the poor. |
Noun | Naming people, places, things, feelings etc. | Dolly presented me with a new dress. It is her love for me. |
Adjective | It qualifies the noun or pronoun in the sentence | I like beautiful girls. They are pretty. |
Adverb | It qualifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb in the sentence | I learn things easily but find it difficult to solve the problems. |
- The word too is qualifying the adjective in the sentence. So it is classified as an adverb.
9. Identify the part of speech the underlined word belongs to.
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Noun
- Adjective
The correct answer is Noun.Key Points
- A noun is the name of a person, place, animal, thing or feeling in the sentence.
- Example: Rani is my friend.
- The underlined word in the sentence is the naming word for a person. So it is a noun.
- Parts of Speech:
- The main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.
Let’s consider the parts of speech given in the options:
Parts of speech | Function | Example |
Pronoun | To use in the place of a noun to avoid repetition. | Amrita loves me. She gave me a gift. |
Verb | showing some action or state of being | I work for my family. Munnu is sleeping. |
Noun | Naming people, places, things, feelings etc. | Dolly presented me with a new dress. It is her love for me. |
Adjective | To qualify the noun or the pronoun in the sentence. | It is high time to make the relation. |
- The man denotes a person. So it is classified as a noun.
Additional Information
- Man is a common noun.
- If a man is given a name such as Ram, Mohan etc., it becomes a Proper Noun.
- The names of feelings such as love, hate, etc are called abstract noun.
10. Choose which part of speech the underlined word belongs to.
The decision made by us will be beneficial.
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Pronoun
- Preposition
The correct answer is Adjective.
Key Points
The underlined word ‘beneficial‘ means ‘favourable‘ and it is describing the noun ‘decision’. So, it is an adjective.
- As we have to identify the part of speech of the word, we need to know what is the significance of parts of speech.
- Parts of speech:
- A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions.
- In English, the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection and determiner etc.
Let’s understand the definitions of the parts of speech given in the options:
Parts of speech | Function | Example |
Adjective | modifies a noun or pronoun | Testbook is an amazing online learning platform. |
Adverb | modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb | They are extremely poor. |
Pronoun | replaces a noun to avoid repetition | Emma is very kind. She never hurts anyone. |
Preposition | shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word | He is sitting on the chair. I was standing before the judge. |
So, ‘beneficial‘ is an adjective.
‘Beneficial‘ is an adjective that is used for something that is favourable or helpful or useful.
Example: Green tea is beneficial for everyone.
11. Direction: Fill in the blank with appropriate article:
Sarah is ______ excellent teacher !
- a
- the
- an
- no article
The correct answer is Option 3 i.e. an.
Key Points
- “An” is used before singular nouns starting with a vowel sound to indicate one individual or thing among others of its kind.
- Example: “He is an intelligent man.”
- The use of “an” before “excellent” provides a smooth transition in pronunciation and clarifies that Sarah is one among other excellent teachers.
Therefore, the correct answer is- “Sarah is an excellent teacher!”
Additional Information
- “A” (Option 1) is used before words that begin with a consonant sound. Since “excellent” starts with a vowel sound, “a” is not suitable.
- “The” (Option 2) is used to refer to specific nouns or to indicate something known to the listener or reader, which does not fit in this general compliment.
12. Direction: Fill in the blank to complete the following sentence with the most suitable option.
Those workers ___________ since eight in the morning.
- work
- working
- have been working
- has worked
The correct answer is ‘have been working’.
Key Points
- ‘Have been working’ is the present perfect continuous tense which is used to describe an action that began in the past and is still ongoing, which suits the context here.
- ‘Work’ is present tense and doesn’t convey the continuous nature of the action.
- ‘Working’ is present participle form of the verb and cannot stand alone in this context.
- ‘Has worked’ is present perfect tense and doesn’t convey the continuous nature of the action.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option 3.
13. Select the most appropriate preposition to fill in the blank.
Are you afraid ________ the dark?
- of
- to
- at
- on
The correct answer is Option 1) i.e. ‘of’.
Key Points
- The correct preposition to use with “afraid” in this context is “of”, as it correctly expresses the relation to fear or anxiety about something.
- However, “Of” is an appropriate preposition of Afraid
- “Of” is commonly used to indicate relationships or connections between fear and the object of fear.
Therefore, the correct answer is- “Are you afraid of the dark?”
Additional Information
- Option 2) “to”: Incorrect because “to” is used for direction, place, or position, not suitable in this context.
- Option 3) “at”: Incorrect as “at” indicates location or a point in time, which doesn’t fit the sentence.
- Option 4) “on”: Incorrect because “on” usually indicates position or direct physical contact, not applicable here.
14. Direction: Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
Alisha posted the picture online.
- The picture was posted online by Alisha.
- The picture is being posted online by Alisha.
- The picture is posted online by Alisha.
- The picture has been posted online by Alisha.
The correct answer is “The picture was posted online by Alisha.”
Key Points
- The given sentence is in Active Voice. As per the given question, we have to change it into Passive Voice.
- The structure of the given sentence is as follows:
- Subject + V2 + Object. (Active Voice)
- Subject (objective case)+ was/were + V3 + Object (subjective case). (Passive Voice)
- Example:
- Their cousin showed them some rare photographs. (Active Voice)
- They were shown some rare photographs by their cousin. (Passive Voice)
- The subject of the given sentence is ‘Alisha.’
- The object of the given sentence is ‘the picture.’
- The subject will be put in place of the object and the object will be put in place of the subject.
- ‘Posted’ will be changed into ‘Was posted.’
- “The picture” is a singular subject and we must use “was” with it.
- The preposition “by” is used to indicate the doer of the action in the passive voice.
- Therefore, as per the points mentioned above, we find that the correct answer is Option 1.
15. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
Rahim was writing a letter.
- A letter was written by Rahim
- A letter was being written by Rahim
- Rahim had been writing a letter.
- A letter did Rahim write.
The correct answer is A letter was being written by Rahim.Key Points
- The passive voice is used to emphasize the action done to the subject rather than the subject performing the action.
- To convert the sentence “Rahim was writing a letter” into passive voice:
- Identify the subject, verb, and object.
- Subject: Rahim
- Verb: was writing
- Object: a letter
- Place the object as the new subject of the passive sentence: “A letter“
- Use the appropriate form of the verb “to be” (in this case, “was being“)
- Add the past participle of the main verb (in this case, “written“)
- Include the doer (Rahim) using “by”: “by Rahim“
- The passive voice version of the sentence is: “A letter was being written by Rahim.“
- This construction emphasizes the letter being written rather than Rahim as the doer of the action.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.
16. Directions: Choose the correct past tense of the verb “Bring”:
- Brought
- Buy
- Buying
- Broughted
The correct answer is option 1), i.e. brought.
Key Points
- Bring: (verb) to take or go with someone or something to a place.
- Brought: It is the past and the past participle form of the verb “bring”.
- Buy: (verb) to obtain in exchange for payment.
- Buying: It is present participle form of the verb “buy”.
Clearly, the correct answer is option 1), i.e. brought.
17. Convert the following sentence into Simple Past tense.
Vinay hears a strange noise in the night.
- Vinay will hear a strange noise in the night.
- Vinay would have heard a strange noise in the night.
- Vinay heard a strange noise in the night.
- Vinay has heard a strange noise in the night.
The correct answer is ‘Vinay heard a strange noise in the night.’
Key Points
- The most appropriate conversion of the given sentence is ‘Vinay heard a strange noise in the night.’
- The simple past is used to describe an action that occurred and was completed in the past.
- Here, in the given sentence ‘hears‘ is a verb.
- With simple past tense ‘second form of the verb’ is used.
- The second form of the verb ‘hear’ is ‘heard’.
- Therefore, as per the points mentioned above, we find that the correct answer is Option 3.
Correct Sentence: Vinay heard a strange noise in the night.
Additional Information
- If the point of time words are mentioned in the sentence like ‘Last, Yesterday, the other day, ago, back, before, last, etc.’ then the second form of the verb is used.
- Example: Tina appeared in the UPSC examination last year.
18. Direction: Select the most appropriate option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
The director hired the new employee after the interview.
- The new employee will be hired by the director after the interview.
- The new employee was hired by the director after the interview.
- The new employee is being hired by the director after the interview.
- The new employee hired by the director after the interview.
The correct answer is “The new employee was hired by the director after the interview.”
Key Points
- The given sentence is in Active Voice. As per the given question we have to change it into Passive Voice.
- The structure of the given sentence is as follows:
- Subject + V2 + Object. (Active Voice)
- Subject (objective case)+ was/were + V3 + Object (subjective case). (Passive Voice)
- Example:
- Their cousin showed them some rare photographs. (Active Voice)
- They were shown some rare photographs by their cousin. (Passive Voice)
- The subject of the given sentence is ‘director.’
- The object of the given sentence is ‘new employee’.
- The subject will be put in place of the object and the object will be put in place of the subject.
- ‘Hired’ will be changed into ‘was hired’.
- “New employee” is a singular subject and we must use “was” with it.
- The preposition “by” is used to indicate the doer of the action in the passive voice.
- Therefore, as per the points mentioned above, we find that the correct answer is Option 2.
19. The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option ‘No Error’
Guava can be profitable/ grown in a wide range/ of agro-climatic conditions.
- grown in a wide range
- of agro-climatic conditions
- No Error
- Guava can be profitable

- The error in the sentence is in the phrase ‘Guava can be profitable’.
- The sentence seems to be missing a verb to connect the phrases ‘Guava can be profitable’ and ‘grown in a wide range of agro-climatic conditions’.
- Therefore, the correct phrase should be ‘Guava can be profitably grown in a wide range of agro-climatic conditions’.

- Option 1, ‘grown in a wide range’, is not suitable because this part of the sentence is grammatically correct.
- Option 2, ‘of agro-climatic conditions’, is not suitable because this part of the sentence is grammatically correct.
- Option 3, ‘No Error’, is not suitable because there is an error in the sentence. The phrase ‘Guava can be profitable’ is grammatically incorrect without a verb to connect it with the rest of the sentence. It should be ‘Guava can be profitably grown’.
20. Identify the segment in the sentence which contains a grammatical error.
- I wouldn’t take the
- If I am you
- risk of going to that
- place in the morning
The erroneous part is ‘If I am you’.
Key Points
- In the sentence “If I am you, I wouldn’t take the risk of going to that place in the morning,” the error lies in the verb tense used in the subordinate clause.
- The corrected segment should be: “If I were you, I wouldn’t take the risk of going to that place in the morning.”
- The error is in using “am” instead of the subjunctive mood “were.”
- In English, in hypothetical or unreal situations, especially in conditional sentences like this one, the subjunctive mood is preferred to indicate situations contrary to reality or assumptions.
21. Direction: Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error.
The rabbit was chased (A) by the dog (B) into the forest dense. (C) No error (D)
- A
- B
- C
- D
The correct answer is ‘Option 3’ (C).
Key Points
- The error in this sentence lies in the phrase indicated by ‘C‘ (“into the forest dense“).
- The phrase “forest dense” is improperly ordered according to English syntax.
- The correct order should be “dense forest“, which would make the corrected sentence: “The rabbit was chased by the dog into the dense forest.“
- This type of error is related to the incorrect placement of adjectives in a sentence. Adjectives commonly precede the noun they modify.
Therefore, the correct answer is ‘Option 3’ (C).
Additional Information
- Option 1 (A) ‘The rabbit was chased’ is free from any errors as it correctly uses the passive voice in a past tense context.
- Option 2 (B) ‘by the dog’ is grammatically correct. It correctly shows the agent of the action in a passive construction.
- Option 4 (D) ‘No error’ is incorrect because there is an error in segment C.
22. Choose the correctly spelt word.
- Committee
- Comittee
- Committe
- Commitee
The correct answer is ‘Committee’
Key Points
- The correct spelling of the word is ‘Committee’. It refers to a group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members from a larger group.
- In English language spelling, double consonants often occur when certain suffixes are added to the base word, as in the case of ‘Committee’.
- The other alternatives: ‘Comittee’, ‘Committe’, ‘Commitee’, have misspellings due to incorrect or missing double consonants.
- Spelling in English can often be tricky because it’s affected by a variety of factors such as etymology and pronunciation, so maintaining familiar patterns, like the double consonants in ‘Committee’, is important.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option 1.
Additional Information
- ‘Comittee’: is a misspelling of ‘Committee’, caused by the absence of one ‘m’.
- ‘Committe’: is a misspelling where ‘e’ is missing after the last ‘t’.
- ‘Commitee’: is a misspelling due to the absence of one ‘t’.
23. What is the passage mainly about?
- The Republic of Rome
- The history of Rome
- Roman myths and legends
- The Roman code of law
The correct answer is: The history of Rome
Key Points
- Definition:
- History – Events of the past and especially those relating to a particular place or subject.
- The given passage is all about, How Rome was build? , Who founded Rome? , Its transition from Monarchy to Republic. The great Emperors of Rome, Civilisation, Political system, Army etc…
- So we can easily say that The passage is mainly about the history of Rome.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.
24. Which of the following is NOT an earlier Italian civilization as mentioned in the passage?
- Latin
- Roman
- Sabine
- Etruscan
The correct answer is: Roman
Key Points
- The last sentence of the first paragraph in the given passage states that “A line of Sabine, Latin and Etruscan (earlier Italian civilisations) kings followed in a non-hereditary succession.”
- That means all the aforementioned civilisations were there before Roman civilisation.
- From here we can conclude that Roman civilisation is NOT an earlier Italian civilisation.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.
25. Rome became a republic in ______.
- 509 B.C.
- 300 B.C.
- 753 B.C.
- 450 B.C.
The correct answer is: 509 B.C.
Key Points
- The first and second sentence of the second paragraph in the given passage states that- “Rome’s era as a monarchy ended in 509 B.C. with the overthrow of its seventh king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, whom ancient historians portrayed as cruel and tyrannical, compared to his benevolent predecessors. Rome now turned from a monarchy into a republic.”
- From here we can conclude that Rome became a republic in 509 B. C
Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.
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