Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 24 February 2024


Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 24 February 2024

1 / 10

What is the name of the laser weapon being developed by DRDO?

2 / 10

Which chemical presence led to the banning of cotton candy in Tamil Nadu?

3 / 10

Which IIT has launched India's largest Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO) in collaboration with EduRade?

4 / 10

Consider the following statements about Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor:

1. Heavy Water is used as the moderator in PHWR.

2. PHWR produces more energy per kilogram of mined uranium than the other reactors.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

5 / 10

Where will the International Gita Mahotsav commence from March 1, 2024?

6 / 10

Who has been appointed as Vigilance Commissioner in the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in February, 2024?

7 / 10

What is the name of the film launched by Bala Devi Chandrashekar at UNESCO headquarters?

8 / 10

Which state government has decided to observe 'bag less school' once a week for students of class 1 to 12 from the upcoming new academic session 2024-25?

9 / 10

What was the theme of the International Maritime Seminar conducted as part of MILAN 2024?

10 / 10

What is the theme of the 8th Asia Economic Dialogue (AED) 2024?

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Quiz available at Current Affairs_ Feb 2024- Level 19

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