Computer Fundamentals Quiz


Computer Fundamentals

1 / 30

In computer terminology, what is the full form of PDF?

2 / 30

The internet works by using a protocol called TCP/IP. What is the full form of TCP/IP?

3 / 30

What is the full form of the term 'DBMS' used in Computer Science?

4 / 30

What does VOIP stand for?

5 / 30

In computing terms, what is LIFO an acronym of?

6 / 30

In computer, MODEM stands for which of the following options?

7 / 30

Which is the correct full form of LAN?

8 / 30

What does HTML stand for?

9 / 30

What do you mean by SQL?

10 / 30

Background image or text in a document is known as ________.

11 / 30

The _______ is a three or four letter abbreviation that signifies the file type.

12 / 30

Which of the following is used to modify and customize everything Windows does?

13 / 30

An example of an input device is ______.

14 / 30

In which of the following process files are transferred from a computer server to your computer on the Internet?

15 / 30

A cookie_______.

16 / 30

Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?

17 / 30

  • Virtual Memory

18 / 30

Programs stored in which of the following memories can’t be erased?

19 / 30

Which of the following file types represents a compressed version of one or more files?

20 / 30

Devices, such as monitors and printers, that connected to the computers are called

21 / 30

Which type of computer is found in a digital watch?

22 / 30

______ is the process of turning on a computer and powering up the system.

23 / 30

Which of the following is an output device?

24 / 30

What is the full form of computer VIRUS?

25 / 30

Microsoft word is ______.

26 / 30

Which of the following function key is used to display the help screen?

27 / 30

Which of the following function key is used to display the help screen?

28 / 30

Python is a _______.

29 / 30

The number of function keys on keyboard is

30 / 30

​Which of the following is a primary memory?

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