| General Studies Mini Mock -06 | OSSSC Prelims |



| General Studies Mini Mock -06 | OSSSC Prelims |

| General Studies Mini Mock -06 | OSSSC Prelims |

1 / 20

Which of these amendments in the Indian Constitution led to the beginning of the Panchayati Raj in India?

2 / 20

What is the currency of Germany?

3 / 20

In which layer of the atmosphere, almost all the clouds are found?

4 / 20

The melting point of ice is:

5 / 20

The velocity of an object at any given instant of time is called_______.

6 / 20

When was the word "armed rebellion" added to the Constitution to declare a National Emergency?

7 / 20

Which of the following book was written by Aryabhata?

8 / 20

Ring wells were used in Mauryan Empire for

9 / 20

What does the sum total of the population of the same kind of organisms known as?

10 / 20

Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty?

11 / 20

The Northern most point of India is-

12 / 20

The Prime Minister of India cannot participate in voting on a non-confidence motion against her/his government if she/he ________.

13 / 20

The Korba Coalfield is located in the Indian state of ______.

14 / 20

The Joint sitting of both the Houses is chaired by the

15 / 20

Which type of soil is predomainantly found in the Deccan lava tract in India?

16 / 20

At which of the following places did Lord Buddha attain Mahaparinirvana?

17 / 20

When was National commission for SCs formed?

18 / 20

The Indian National Congress (INC) was formed by the ___________ in 1885.

19 / 20

Which is the third-highest civilian honour in India?

20 / 20

The subject 'Public Health and Sanitation' is included in which of the following list in the constitution of India:

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Quiz available at OSSSC TEST SERIES_MINI MOCK- Level 2

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